Integrate by Kate

Start with Passions, Learn by Doing, & Figure it Out

Integrate by Kate is a podcast for curious minds and lifelong learners. Hosted by Kate, who has recently discovered a passion for the fields of functional medicine & holistic health, this show offers a vulnerable and authentic look at her journey into a field that can feel complex and overwhelming.  

Each episode is a reflection of Kate’s own learning process as she navigates research & resources, insights & challenges, and the lessons she’s learning. Kate’s goal for herself is to make functional medicine more approachable and relatable, so she can feel confident and empowered to integrate learnings into her day to day life. Her goal for you is to take insights from her learning journey so you too can start with your passions, learn by doing, and figure it out!

If you're interested in the process of self-education and exploring new approaches to health and wellness, Integrate by Kate is your space to join the journey! 

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Start with Passions


Learn by Doing


Figure It Out


Start with Passions 〰️ Learn by Doing 〰️ Figure It Out 〰️